
LAN Team Support Supervisor for the Human Genome Research Institute

Local Area Network (LAN) Team Support Manager: Service Desk Manager

Ed Arnold played a critical role in Scientific History while serving as a key member of the Information Technology support management team during the height of the Human Genome Project (HGP), a monumental international effort to map the entire human genome. It was widely understood and accepted our mission was making and publishing significant scientific advances into the public domain so they could not be monopolized for private patented gains; in other words discovery’s that we made were not for profit and helped everyone.

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Local Area Network (LAN) Team Support Manager: Service Desk Manager Read More - click »


Cylance Privacy Preferences Policy Control and Tokenizer, Activation Script

macOS Mojave introduced a security feature that allows third-party applications to access protected user data. Cylance recommends that customers running

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Cylance Privacy Preferences Policy Control and Tokenizer, Activation Script Read More - click »

Troubleshooting & Logging

Identify and Collect TLS Certificate Information from hosts to files

This macos bash script prompts for a comma delimited list of hostnames directly in terminal window, it is used to Identify and Collect TLS Certificate Information form hosts to files if there is more than one and processes the following command(s) to derive show certs information for each hostname and each of these ports.

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Identify and Collect TLS Certificate Information from hosts to files Read More - click »

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