Windows Server Time Settings Server Useful Commands

Check the Time Zone:

Right-click on the clock in the system tray and select “Adjust date/time”. Make sure the server is set to the correct time zone.

View Current Time Configuration:

w32tm /query /configuration

Check Time Source:

w32tm /query /status

Check for Synchronization Issues:
Use the Event Viewer to check for any warnings or errors related to time synchronization.
Go to “Event Viewer” > “Windows Logs” > “System” and look for events from the ‘Time-Service’ source.

Synchronize with an External Time Server
If your server is not part of a domain, or if you wish to sync with an external source, you can configure it to synchronize with a reliable external time server. Use the command
w32tm /config /syncfromflags:manual /manualpeerlist:"[server]"
replacing “[server]” with the address of the NTP server you wish to use.

After setting the external server, restart the Windows Time service by running
net stop w32time && net start w32time.

Open PowerShell as an administrator.

Check the Current Time Zone:


List All Available Time Zones:

Get-TimeZone -ListAvailable

Set the Time Zone:

Set-TimeZone -Name "Time Zone Name"

Set-TimeZone -Name "Pacific Standard Time"

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