Wi-Fi Generator

QR Code WiFi Access Generator

QR Code WiFi Access Generator

Joining a Wi‑Fi network with a link; craft a (Quick Response Code) QR code to automatically join a Wi‑Fi network by following these guidelines. This link will take you to the site that has a qr code generator for Wi-Fi Auto Joins and regular sting

Restaurants or cafes

Since customers will ask for the Wi-Fi password at your restaurant, bar or cafe it is better to display Join connection information as a QR Code on their tables, the wall, or even on receipts? Customers can scan and connect without having to ask for the Wi-Fi password every single time.

By specifying the Service Set Identifier (SSID), (Wireless security) Encryption Type, password/passphrase, and if the SSID is hidden or not, mobile device users can quickly scan and join networks without having to manually enter the data. A MeCard-like format is supported by Android and iOS 11+.

Common format:

Sample: WIFI:S:MySSID;T:WPA;P:MyPassW0rd;;

Parameter Example Description
T WPA Authentication (Encryption Type) type; can (Wired Equivalent Privacy) WEP or (Wi-Fi Protected Access) WPA, or leave empty for no password.
S NetworkName Network Service Set Identifier (SSID). Required.
P Password Password, ignored if T is left blank.
H true Optional. True if the network SSID is hidden.

Wi‑Fi Service Set Identifier (SSID)

A Service Set Identifier (SSID) is a sequence of characters that uniquely names a Wi-Fi network. An SSID is sometimes referred to as the network name. This name allows stations to connect to a preferred network when more than one is operating in the same space.

Wi‑Fi Encryption Type

Wireless security prevents unauthorized access wireless networks, which include Wi-Fi networks. Also referring to wireless network protection itself from unauthorized users.

(Quick Response Code) QR code example image

This link will take you to the site that has a qr code generator for Wi-Fi Auto Joins and regular sting also

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