Jamf Pro

Jamf Software
Jamf is a software company best known for developing Jamf Pro (formerly The Casper Suite), a mobile device management (MDM) system.

Jamf Pro

Computer Naming earlier-on after Prestage; a computer naming at enrollment strategy

Rich Trouton just posted this article on Providing Jamf Pro computer inventory information via macOS configuration profile This made me

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Computer Naming earlier-on after Prestage; a computer naming at enrollment strategy Read More - click »

Jamf Pro

macOS Smartcard Collection of scripts and profiles for macOS management of Smartcards

Link: Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/jamf/dont-forget-your-badge Git https://github.com/golbiga/macOS_Smartcard L1 [acf field=”{$field_63f7e42ccd94a}”] ACF [acf field=”{$Hyperlink_external}”] Links


macOS Smartcard Collection of scripts and profiles for macOS management of Smartcards Read More - click »

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