macOS secure token, bootstrap token: FileVault encryption

Apple Platform Deployment Guidance: Using secure token, bootstrap token, and volume ownership in deployments

To view the current list of volume owners on a Mac computer with Apple silicon, you can run the following command:
sudo diskutil apfs listUsers /

If FileVault is in use, you can also use the following command to see user names and GUIDs together:
sudo fdesetup list -extended

sysadminctl -secureTokenStatus "$(whoami)"

How to add user accounts to a FileVault 2-enabled accounts list
sudo fdesetup add -usertoadd username

How to remove user accounts from a FileVault 2-enabled accounts list
sudo fdesetup remove -user username

list all filevault encrypted (only) usernames
sudo fdesetup list | sed 's;,.*;;'

How to remove user accounts by UUID from a FileVault 2-enabled accounts list

sudo fdesetup remove -uuid UUID_that_matches_user_account

Ownership is backed by cryptography protected in the Secure Enclave. For more information, see:

Apple Platform Security: Contents of a LocalPolicy file for a Mac with Apple silicon

Apple Platform Security: LocalPolicy signing-key creation and management


Mr. Macintosh: Apple releases long-awaited SecureToken documentation

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