VMware Horizon

Configuration Profile targeted at the Computer level.


To prevent the VMware Horizon Client from checking for updates during its installation, you can use a custom configuration script or modify the installation package to set the appropriate preferences. Typically, VMware Horizon Client respects certain plist (property list) settings that control update behaviors.

defaults write com.vmware.horizon checkForUpdatesOnStartup -bool false

To set the default server URLs for the VMware Horizon Client in the plist file during installation on macOS, you can modify the same plist file to include the default connection server settings. This setup is particularly useful in enterprise environments where administrators want to streamline the configuration for all users.



To prevent the VMware Horizon Client from checking for updates during installation on macOS, you can modify the property list (plist) file associated with the client. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to modify the installation package:


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