Computer Level Profiles

profiles — Profiles Tool for macOS.

profiles is used to install, remove, list, or otherwise handle various profile types on macOS.

Note that the command parameters have changed starting in version 5.0 of this tool, but the older options are still valid and can also be used. Use the man profiles.old(1) page to view the old parameters. These older style options will not be updated to provide support for some of the newer profiles tool features, so it’s suggested you move to use the new parameter structure.

To prevent unintended installations, profiles containing certain payloads (specifically will require a manual verification even when running as root.

WARNING: In the future, some features in this tool may be removed in favor of using user approved, high level UI to install configuration profiles. Clients should instead use the Profiles System Preferences pane to install configuration profiles.

List Computer Level Profiles
sudo profiles -Cv

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