Shortcuts manual page contents

shortcuts – Command-line utility for running shortcuts.

shortcuts run shortcut-name-or-identifier [–input-path input-path …]
[–output-path output-path …] [–output-type output-type]
shortcuts list [–folder-name folder-name-or-identifier] [–folders]
shortcuts view shortcut-name
shortcuts sign [–mode mode] –input input –output output

The shortcuts command is used to run, list, view or sign shortcuts. To
create or edit a shortcut, use the Shortcuts application.

shortcuts run

[–input-path input-path …]
The input to provide to the shortcut. Can be dropped, or set to
“-” for stdin.

[–output-path output-path …]
Where to write the shortcut output, if applicable. Can be
omitted, or set to “-” for stdout.

[–output-type output-type]
What type to output data in, in Uniform Type Identifier format.
If not provided shortcuts will attempt to infer the output type
from the output filename, or use the default type of the output

shortcuts list
[–folder-name folder-name-or-identifier]
The folder name or identifier to list shortcuts in, or “none” to
list shortcuts not in a folder.

List folders instead of shortcuts.

Show identifiers with each result.

shortcuts sign
[–mode mode]
The signing mode. Either “people-who-know-me” or “anyone”.

Specifying “people-who-know-me” will sign locally, but only your
devices, or people who have your contact info in their contacts,
will be able to import the shortcut.

Specifying “anyone” will notarize via iCloud, and allow anyone
to import the shortcut.

–input input
The shortcut file to sign.

–output output
Output path for the signed shortcut file.

macOS September 8, 2021 macOS

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